Custom Projects

Salmon Sisters keeps both of us pretty busy, but sometimes I take on side projects too! I've been making custom designs for all sorts of people. You can see some of the designs I've worked on in the past few months below, there's apparel designs for the Copper River/Prince William Sound Marketing Association, SenaSea Seafoods (a small-scale direct seafood marketing company), Allen Marine Tours in Southeast, Alaska, and my old crew team at Williams College. I've done several logos too, including one for the Inside Passage Waterkeeper in Southeast, Alaska, White Stag Productions based in Homer, and a graphic for a new Alaskan ski/snowboard/yoga/adventure/local foods retreat called Drift that's getting started this year. I've been working on wedding invitations, signature stamps, community events posters, and my own personal artwork too. All of these things and more can be seen on my personal website: If you're interested in commissioning a design or artwork or a logo, don't hesitate to get in touch with me! -Emma Teal

Copper River PWSSenaSea Fish - logo colorsskiforwomencolorAllen Marine Design FinalIPWK-logoSlow Your Drift weddingprogramWWC Onota DesignWhite Stag Productions Logo

Art Product

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  • Hey!! My class really wants some class hoodies but we don’t know what we want on them.. Any ideas? We would love to purchase some awesome ones from you if you have them?

    Heidi wiese on
  • Please call or email me about a logo. Need one done up really soon. I have been trying to get local logo made but hey just don’t get ’"my style". You guys got it!

    Ak kids on
  • Looking for Alaskan/beachy design for our new sign. We offer preschool and childcare. I would love to see what you could come up with. We had a few local sign places try and Ulimate Fail!

    AK Kids on

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