"The Baby Salmon Egg" by Easton Chad Jones, Age 6
Over spring break we invited kids K-12 to create art and share their love for wild Alaska salmon and healthy salmon habitat.
At Salmon Sisters, we care about our coastal communities and want to inspire young generations to be creative thinkers, artists, small business owners, salmon stewards, and advocates for this great state and its salmon. As Alaskans, we are all connected to salmon – whether we fish for them, study them in school, or like to eat them. Artwork is our favorite way to express our connection to salmon and the life they've given us.
Below are some of the amazing art submissions we received. Art came to us from the North Pole to Ketchikan, from ages 5-17. Thanks to all of the young and talented artists who sent us their beautiful work! All participants will be receiving a copy of the Made of Salmon book. Our 5 finalists for this year's Salmon Art Contest are:
"The Baby Salmon Egg" by Easton Chad Jones, Age 6
"Bubble Beauty" by Liam Beaty, Age 10
"The Salmon Journey" by Kimber Zachary, Age 8
"Fisherman Catch of the Day" by Guenevere Flewelling, Age 7
"Every Living Thing Benefits from Salmon" by Kuranda Davis
"Bubble Beauty" by Liam Beaty, Age: 10
"Don't Drive Through This Stream!" by Emelia Jane Solsvig, Age 9
"Salmon Happy" by Elah Chura
"Salmon and Eggs" by EllaGrace Otto, Kindergarten
"Fish out of Water" by Ryann Chura
"Humpy Dumpty" by Kalysta Arndt, Age 8
"Cosmic Coho" by Gracie Jackson, age 14

"The Salmon Journey" by Kimber Zachary, Age 8
"Love Salmon" by Stephanie Thompson, 12th Grade

"Every living thing benefits from salmon" by Kuranda Davis

"Fisherman Catch of the Day" by Guenevere Flewelling, Age 7
"Love Boat" by Cora Belle Mitchell, Age 6
"Salmon Cycle" by Juan-David Reynoso, Age 7
This art is beautiful and inspirational! I feel like I can’t draw ANYTHING (I’m over 60!) and then I see the beautiful art produced by kids and it makes me want to grab my markers and PLAY! Thank you. Post more! They are ALL wonderful.