Give:Fish Project, how Salmon Sisters supports local

Scott Dickerson PhotographyScott

We're very excited to announce the beginning of our Give:Fish Project! For every product Salmon Sisters sells, we donate a can of Wild Alaska Salmon to the Food Bank of Alaska. Our hope is to give back to the communities that have supported us since our beginnings and to inspire other local businesses to find unique ways to keep their homes vibrant. Eating Wild Alaska Salmon makes us feel healthy, happy and strong – which is something we want to share with as many people as possible. With our one-to-one program we support both fishermen working to feed the world and those most in need of this delicious wild protein. Learn more about how Salmon Sisters supports local in our infographic below:

 We thank the fishermen who brave Alaskan seas to catch wild salmon and Silver Bay Seafoods for canning their catch and making our desire to feed the world a reality. Our family's boats are proud to be a part of Silver Bay's fleet. Thanks to the scientists and fisheries management that keep our fisheries sustainable for future generations and for the cannery workers and fish processors turning our catch into a beautiful product. Our hats go off to Alaska Airlines for donating their northbound freight, Lynden International and Alaska Marine Lines for helping us transport our first delivery of more than fifteen thousand cans from Sitka to Anchorage, and to the Food Bank of Alaska, who distributes our donations to over 60 communities across the state. And to all the Salmon Sisters (and brothers) wearing our gear, your business and support is feeding the world one can of wild, sustainably caught salmon at a time. Amazing work, Alaska! We're very proud.

Scott Dickerson Photography

Scott Dickerson Photography


Fishing Lifestyle Press Product Seafood

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